Block 30 Ground Control Station
The Block 30 Ground Control Station (GCS) is a Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) cockpit housed in either a customer-furnished building or a mobile shelter and used to control one GA-ASI aircraft. The dual-seat cockpit includes HD-integrated touch-screen displays, as well as a video switching capability that allows aircrew to move any video source to any screen. A 24-inch display between the pilot and payload operator provides screen space for shared pilot/payload data such as weather, airspace, or any information of interest to both aircrew. Extended mission duration is enhanced by adjustable heated aircrew seats and adjustable rudder pedals. The Block 30 cockpit is designed primarily for remote operations via a Satellite Communications (SATCOM) data link, however there are two ground-based radios and other systems that enable direct line of sight (LOS) operations as well.

- Pilot Payload Operator (PPO) Workstation – Equipped with 11 HD-Displays for Improved Data and Video Presentation
- Each PPO workstation is configured with the following equipment:
- Map Tracker Display
- Head-up Display
- Head-down Display
- Auxiliary Displays
- Common Center Display
- Payload Operator Hand Controller (optional)
- Electronically Adjustable Rudder/Brake Pedals
- Digital Flight Recorders (DFR) with 24-day Recording Capability
- Upgraded Intercom/Radio System
- User Adjustable Monitors for Improve Operator Viewing AngleS
- Ergonomic and Heated Electric-powered Seats
- Network TCP/IP Data and Video Dissemination
- Supports LOS, DLOS, and SATCOM Data Links
- Mobile (MGCS), Dual Control Mobile (DCMGCS), and Fixed Facility GCS (FGCS) Configurations
- Integrated UPS Battery Backup/Power Distribution System