Supplier Information

General Atomics Aeronautical Procurement

General Atomics Aeronautics (GA-ASI) performs a wide variety of activities for our Government, domestic and international customers. Building partnerships with qualified suppliers is key to GA-ASI’s successful achievement of contract objectives. The procurement staff at GA-ASI commits to:

  • Offer each visitor a courteous reception
  • Listen fairly and without prejudice
  • Treat as confidential, information which is received as confidential
  • Fairly contract and award to offerors on the basis of quality, price, service, delivery and best overall value
  • Explicitly prohibit the acceptance of gifts or favors

Please click on the 'Supplier Code of Conduct' tab on the left to understand the values and expectations we have for our suppliers. Visit our 'Supplier Registration' page to sign up as a potential supplier; and, if you are a small business, click on the 'Small Business' icon below.

If you are already working with GA-ASI as a supplier, please remember:

  • Accept Orders only from authorized GA-ASI purchasing personnel
  • Do not contact GA-ASI technical personnel without permission of the responsible Buyer
  • Refrain from offering gifts or favors