Revolutionizing Collection Management & Intelligence Sharing

GA-ASI has developed Metis, a capability that streamlines and automates the collection management process while allowing for rapid, cloud-based intelligence sharing. Metis' map-based interface enables users to request ISR as easily as one orders a car from Uber. Managing and executing large collections of ISR tasks is now streamlined due to a modern and intuitive user experience.
Metis generated ISR tasks are transmitted machine-to-machine directly to MMC, drastically increasing mission effectiveness. ISR task and aircraft position status is easily tracked by all Metis users. Command elements can modify or cancel task requirements in seconds, allowing the MMC crew to instantly adjust to emerging requirements.

Using social media style interaction techniques (#tags and @handles), Metis users are able to instantly communicate ISR requirements as well as share finished intelligence products across the user community, drastically reducing data to decision timelines.